Thank you to the 1,238 members of Texas REALTORS® who took this year’s magazine readership survey. Editorial staff read all 37 pages of open-ended comments—an amount that the independent research firm called “rather extraordinary” and that indicates a highly engaged readership.
Your feedback and comments help association staff learn what you like, what’s not useful, and what you’d like to see in the future.
Here are a few key results, along with a sample of reader comments:
- 87% Regularly read Texas REALTOR® (more than half the issues)
- 52% Discuss articles or ads with colleagues or clients
- 55% Visit based on something from the magazine
- 67% Read print only
- 25% Read print and digital
- 8% Read digital only
Most Popular Topics
- Working with clients/prospects
- Legal and ethics
- Involvement in local/statewide/national issues related to real estate
A sample of the hundreds of comments
“I copy, send, or talk about at least one article in every edition.”
“Good that it is also in digital format.”
“Sometimes relevant, sometimes not.”
“I often use the articles to create conversations with clients and prospects.”
“We always review the fresh copy in our Tuesday sales meetings.”
“More commercial.”
“It’s one of the few magazines I read. Good length. Short articles.”
“I learn something with every issue … Great magazine!”
“Good balance of sales, marketing, legal, and property management.”
“This is the only REALTOR® magazine I actually keep.”
“One of my most useful and enjoyable information sources.”
“I’m a home inspector, however I still manage to glean useful information out of each issue.”
“I use articles in my sales meetings and training.”
“Online content is more important.”
“I am in education so often refer agents to the magazine.”
“More technology … how to use apps.”
“I use it for office training as well. We do a monthly trivia with items from Texas REALTOR® magazine.”
“I find articles about real estate practice more helpful than human interest or REALTOR® bio type articles.”
“I look forward to receiving this each month and cut out articles of importance to save and refer back to at a later date.”
“It’s one magazine where I read most of the content.”
“I make notes inside to follow up on in some way the things I see that interest me.”