Texas REALTORS® has made changes to Residential Real Estate Listing Agreement Exclusive Right To Sell (TXR 1101) and Exclusive Agency Addendum To Listing (TXR 1403) that help members comply with NAR’s new “Clear Cooperation Policy.”

The policy, which is also known as MLS Statement 8.0 and became mandatory for MLSs to adopt by May 1, requires listing brokers to submit listings to the MLS within one business day of marketing the listing to the public. Public marketing includes items such as yard signs, marketing on public-facing websites, email marketing, and other communications available to the public.

Both forms contain new sections that detail the new obligation set forth in the Clear Cooperation Policy. The revised forms are available in zipForm and other Texas REALTORS®-authorized forms applications. You can also download blank PDFs of these and all other Texas REALTORS® forms from bjrujiabj.com.