See how you are similar to or different from your peers.

There’s no such thing as a typical REALTOR®. The demographics and professional backgrounds of members vary—and the way REALTORS® work differs, too. But there are percentages and medians and such. Here are some of those statistics from the 2020 Profile of Texas REALTORS® Members.


Agent 82%
Broker 13%
Broker Associate 6%
Appraiser 1%


Residential 72%
Property Management 5%
Commercial 3%
Relocation 3%

Brokerage Firms

Independent Company 55%
Franchise 40%


47% have 1 office location

Female 62%
Male 36%


53 Years Old (Median)

White 70%
Hispanic/Latino 15%
Black/African American 10%
Asian/Pacific Islander 5%

17% have at least one personal assistant

Licensed 69%
Unlicensed 31%

26% Are Members of a Real Estate Team

97% Plan to Stay in the Industry During the Next 2 Years

73% Real Estate is Only Occupation

4 Years Median Experience of Sales Agents

36% Use Drones or Hire Drone Operators

Agent Compensation

Fixed Commission Split Under 100% 31%
Capped Commission Split 27%
Graduated Commission Split 21%
100% Commission 12%
Commission Plus Share of Profits 12%
Salary Only 1%
Share of Profits Only 1%

$585 Spent Annually on Professional Development (Median)

55% of Agents Receive E&O Insurance From Brokerage

$120,500 Gross Median Household Income

83% of Texas REALTORS® are Homeowners

96% of Texas REALTORS® are Registered to Vote

73% of Texas REALTORS® Volunteer in Community

14% of Texas REALTORS® are Veterans

9% of Texas REALTORS® Spent at Least $1,000/Year Advertising Themselves on Social Media

40% spent $0

Social Media Use (Professionally)

Facebook 80%
LinkedIn 62%
Instagram 43%
Twitter 22%

Annual Median Gross Income

Agents $39,090
Brokers $104,760


Annual Real Estate Business Expenses (Median)

Agents $5,290
Brokers $23,850

The 2020 Profile of Texas REALTORS® Members is provided by the National Association of REALTORS® and is derived from survey responses by 832 members in Texas during March 2020. You can download the full report from