If you choose to provide the Information About Brokerage Services form via email, you’re allowed to link to it as long as you make a reference to the form in the body of the email. (That’s the part above the signature block—your name and contact information.)

Create an email signature that references and links to the IABS form above your name. Then every email you create will automatically include the required notice in accordance with TREC rules.

Here’s an example of an email signature that correctly links to the IABS form.

Texas law requires all license holders to provide the Information About Brokerage Services form to prospective clients.

Jane Doe, REALTOR®
1234 Main St.

The email signature below is not in compliance with TREC rules regarding the IABS form, because the form is not referenced in the body of the email—above the name and contact information.

Jane Doe, REALTOR®
1234 Main St.

Texas Real Estate Commission Information About Brokerage Services

Note: The link in these examples goes to bjrujiabj.com for illustrative purposes. You should link to a copy of the IABS form that’s completed with your information.

For more information about properly providing the Information About Brokerage Services form, visit the Texas Real Estate Commission’s website.