A Texas law that takes effect in July will give you and your clients the ability to get documents notarized online. This new option—which relies on audio and video conferencing—must be completed by a notary authorized to perform online notarizations. The legislation requires notaries who offer online notarization to keep electronic records and meet standards set by the secretary of state to ensure reliability and compliance with the new law.

unless a client is disabled and can’t get out, is ti too much of an effort when involved in a real estate transaction, ofter the biggest asset in one’s life, to drop in at the title office or a bank? As the realtor it would make me a lot more comfortable
We can pay our bills online, we can sign contracts online, we certainly communicate online. Does the manner or method really matter that much? Is an in-person notary really that much better or more reliable?
Yes, an “in-person” notary is very much more reliable. I spent the better part of my career in I.T and I can tell you that even though there is an active and ‘live’ video/audio in progress, it is much easier to forge an identity then in person. Having been a notary many years ago and being a notary again, and with the life experience I have gained in-between, I can assure you that the body language and facial expressions that I see in a face-to-face notarization are much more defined as I can see ALL of the picture, not just… Read more »
Will you be able to notarize for those out of the country? Like Mexico or Canada?
I think this is a great Question.
As a REALTOR, Notary and a closer, I just have one thing to say… “YEAH!”
OK – two things…. one person cannot be all three in a transaction. You cannot notarize or close your own deal – and I hope they never change that.
I say Yeah as well! It is about time!
I just called the Secretary Of State Office. All they know was that the bill was passed, but have no idea what the standards one must meet. Said call back in July.
This is good news!
How would we go about getting our clients to do this?
I’m thrilled! In the days before electronic signatures (yes, I was there not so long ago), I used to say, ‘There’s GOT to be a way to do this electronically!’ I had no idea the herculean efforts that would be required to make it the reality we now enjoy. This is a splendid addition to our arsenal of weapons in the battle to get a transaction closed timely. Hooray!
How does a notary get authorization to perform online notarizations? This is a push from lenders doing video closings. Also, the lenders are not wanting to include the Realtor in the closing. Our local title companies are fighting this as they know the importance of our presence at closing.
Denise, notaries will need an enotary commission from the SOS. I can’t speak to the specific preferences of lenders but the NotaryCam eClose360 platform is specifically designed to allow all relevant parties to join. This can include Realtors, loan officers, lawyers etc. That’s one of the reasons NAR invested in NotaryCam.
This would be convenient instead of going to a title co. or an office or get a mobile notary.
Wonderful news, especially if our clients are in the military. Had a closing very recently where it was so complicated for the wife to use a specific property power of attorney. This would have been ideal for them. I’m sure there are many kinks to be worked out.
There has already been one mortgage closing completed virtually as a result of this new online notary law change.
I am notary public/ loan signing agent and am very interested in completing online signings and notaries. There is not very much Information on how to get started. NNA and secretary of state only provide cost to get the certification with not guidance or knowledge. Anyone who may have some insight on this topic please share.