A landlord can use the Notice of Abandonment (TXR 2224) form when a tenant has not paid the rent on time and the landlord believes the tenant and all occupants have vacated the property. Paragraph 16.B.3 of the Residential Lease (TXR 2001) form and Residential Lease for a Multi-Family Property Unit (TXR 2011) form defines abandonment. A landlord may post the notice and give the tenant a deadline to confirm the tenant has not abandoned the property. If the tenant does not respond in time, the notice details how the landlord may remove and dispose of any remaining personal property. The Notice of Abandonment form can be used with residential properties and is one of more than 150 forms exclusively available to members of Texas REALTORS®.

How do you get the form signed if the tenants have left it
Look at the form. It only has a place for the landlord or landlord’s rep to sign it. There is no place for the tenant to sign it
What if the landlord abandons the property?
How would the tenant know that occurred?
Tenant paid rent for about a year (maybe) with a lease to own understanding. Landlord has not contacted tenant in years.
what if they texted and told you they left
That would depend on whether or not the method of Notice in the lease agreement permitted texting to the number that was used by the tenant to tell the LL that they have left the property. But that doesn’t address the issue of not paying rent on time. The tenant is still responsible for meeting all terms of their lease agreement.